Friday, March 31, 2017
8 Simple Sports Movement To Buttocks Fast, Solid Containing, Up And Beautiful
Movement to tighten buttocks And Makes it Fast, Contains, And Stay Beautiful - For women, one of the valuable assets of their body is a butt or butt. Many women dreaming have a big butt and toned. Large buttocks and on the lists would look beautiful as well as the main attraction for women because it gives the impression section.
Having a big butt also make you look beautiful and beautifully dressed in a wide variety of clothing, both casual and fashion clothing such as dresses or dress party. The bottom line with the beautiful buttocks, many women will feel more confident. Want to also have a lovely ass? Listen articles Sports Movement Simple To Buttocks Fast, Solid Containing And Beautiful.
There are many ways that can be done to increase the size of the buttocks and tighten. Starting from the sport with a simple movement, special treatment for raising, compressing, and streamline the buttocks, to anyone willing to spend a huge cost to perform the surgery in order to obtain the shape and size desired buttocks. Wow!
8 Simple Sports Movement To Buttocks Fast, Solid Containing, Up And Beautiful
on this occasion we will review how to raise the buttocks, streamline ass, formed buttocks to be more dense and contain, as well as keeping the buttocks remain beautiful even though you have started to old age. Movement and exercise we suggest in this article is suitable for most ages.
Sports Raise Buttocks For Toned And Stay Beautiful
And the good news is that we will provide a full review on how to raise the buttocks along with the picture. Which we will discuss can be said to include a way to enlarge the buttocks with fitness and these movements are also effective for toning the buttocks already started sagging.
Reporting from site, there are several movements precisely 8 Simple Movement To Raise and tighten your buttocks And Butt To The Contains, Beautiful, And Section. Intrigued by these movements? Here it is!
1. Curtsy lunges - Movement For Butt And Buttocks Tight And Contains
How to make buttocks and buttocks Kendan and contains the first is to do cursty lunges, which is a variation of lunges. In contrast with basic lunges movement, the crusty lunges we move to the left and to the right, crossing his legs back.
Curtsy Lunges For Butt And Buttocks Tight And Contains
2. The Prisoner Squats - Exercise To Maintain Stay Beautiful And Tight Butt
Exercise maintain toned buttocks remain beautiful and you can do at home is a variation of squats. Doing prisoner squats like doing regular squats. That opened the feet shoulder width apart and lose weight as low as possible and then return to its original position. What distinguishes it is the prisoner squats hand placed on the head.
Prisoner Squats Exercise To Maintain Stay Beautiful And Tight Butt
3. Sumo Squat Jumps - How to Enlarge Buttocks Size Naturally
This is one way to increase the size of the buttocks naturally by doing squats another variation, that sumo squat jumps. How to do this is to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Put both hands on hips. Then hop over and back again to its original position.
How to Enlarge Buttocks Size Naturally With Sumo Squat Jumps
4. Sprinter Knee Raises - Sports Can Raise Buttocks Quickly
Doing sprinter knee raises can also raise your buttocks quickly. How to do this is to perform a position like people do square off fleeing. Here muscle of the buttocks, thigh, and calf muscles you trained until it can make the buttocks bigger.
Knee Raises Represents Sprinter Sports Can Raise Buttocks Quickly
5. Side Step-Up and Kick - Natural Ways To Bottom Up
In addition to the above movement, you can also make a side step-up and kick to make the buttocks rise. Here you need tools that functioned as a foothold. How to do this is with one leg up to the ground, and then back again to its original position.
Natural Ways To Bottom Up With Side Step-Up and Kick
6. Tube Walk - For Breech Stay Toned And Stay Beautiful
Tube walk also included into the movement that can make your stay wonderful and buttocks tight. To do this you need to use a cloth tied or else can use the rope. Attach the legs, and then move to the left and to the right with the body position slightly downward.
Tube Walk Represents Ways To Stay Toned Butt And Stay Beautiful
7. Booty Crossovers - How to Make Up So Looks Great Butt
To do booty crossovers, position yourself as someone wants to do a push up. The difference is that one of your legs buckling, while the other leg remains straight but moved cross to the left and to the right. Movement can make a butt booty crossovers rose so it looks bigger.
How to Make a Bottom Up So Looks Great With Booty Crossover
8. Kneeling hydrants - Quick Ways gedein Buttocks Women And The picture
Similar to booty crossovers, position your body like a person about to do a push up. Bend both legs. Then lift one leg to the side and back to the starting position. Doing all the movements for the other foot. Kneeling hydrants including an effective movement for gedein buttocks of women.
Note :
To obtain a beautiful buttocks for women, you should routinely perform the above manner with the portion 15 repetitions in 3 sets. Given the need to rest your body muscles as well, it would be nice if the above exercise is not done every day. You just do the above exercise 2-3 times a week.
Remember to always warm up before exercising this tips. Heating is useful for muscles, joints, as well as your body is not surprised when performing certain movements so that you can avoid injury. Do not forget to use the same support equipment such as shoes and mattresses so that your practice run more safely and smoothly.
Make Warming Before Performing Movement To Enlarge Buttocks By Sports
So you can have solid bottoms and buttocks and contained in a faster time, you should also consume the right foods. By eating the right foods then your butt muscle growth will be optimized so that your butt will be unbiased and formed. Read our article Healthy Food For Beautiful Buttocks.
In addition to the movement that we mentioned above, there are other sports that you can do to increase the size of the buttocks and also tighten your buttocks so more sexy. Among other sports jog or brisk walking. Agat your workout more varied, do a brisk walk or jog alternately with the days when you do the exercises above.
Jogging Routine to tighten buttocks, buttocks Make Up, And Raise Buttocks
After trying and working hard to get a beautiful ass, do not forget to rest. At rest your muscles are tired and broken will be restored to become bigger, denser, fuller and will ultimately be more sexy. So make sure you have time to sleep and rest.
Thus the full review rearing buttocks, tighten the buttocks, and make it a wonderful and sexy in a natural way is the way of exercise. Now you can have beautiful buttocks without having to go to the gym or do surgery. Enough of the house, with simple movements and a healthy lifestyle, you also have a sexy ass!
Hopefully the above review useful to you as well. For those of you who are still hungry for information-quality information from us, please do not hesitate to visit our other article collection!
source image by : cosmopolitandotcom
Dangerous Things Should Not Do When Women Medium Haid
Menstruation is a regular monthly cycle experienced by every woman. Menstruation or usually called menstruation is a physiological change in the body of a woman who happens regularly and is influenced by the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Menstrual cycle in women an average of 28 days. However, not all women experience the same menstrual cycle and orderly.
menstruation will stop by itself (menopause) with age. Menopause is the physiological cessation of menstrual cycles as influenced by a woman's age. Perhaps you have heard about what can and can not do at the time of menstruation. Here the author will discuss and review the ban around the time of menstruation.
Here's Some Things Prohibited Menstrual
Have sex
Conduct a conjugal relationship at the time of menstruation is expressly not allowed, either by law or by a medical. Why is that? This is because the female sex organs at the time of menstruation is not sterile so it is not safe to have intercourse. Menstrual blood is usually known as dirty blood contains a lot of bacteria. If at the time of menstruation intercourse it is feared will occur an infection of the female reproductive organs.
In addition, imposing to conduct a conjugal relationship at the time of menstruation is very risky cause sudden death or sudden death. Why is that such could happen? At the time of menstruation, blood vessels in the woman's reproductive organs will be open so that when the act of intercourse is very risky air entrainment from the outside and into the blood vessels to the heart. These conditions can be fatal and can cause sudden cardiac arrest.
Do strenuous exercise
Prohibition of women during menstruation which in turn is to do strenuous sports activities and irregular. At the time of menstruation is not prohibited to exercise. Even highly recommended exercise during menstruation for blood circulation. However, at the time of menses should you pay attention and limit the portion of the sport. In addition, you should also telitidan smart in choosing the type of exercise to be performed at the time of menstruation. We recommend that you avoid this type of strenuous exercise. This is because at the time of menstruation blood vessels open so that when doing strenuous exercise is very risky cause abnormal bleeding. Therefore, for women who are menstruating are advised to exercise with a light intensity such as walking or stretching.
Consuming cold drinks and soda
This is not entirely forbidden to do at the time of menstruation. Only at the time of menstruation you should not consume a lot of kinds of soft drinks because it can affect hormone balance. In addition, for women who are menstruating are not recommended to familiarize consuming cold drinks or ice water. This is because it can slow down and inhibit the release of menstrual blood. You should limit consumption of the beverages category so that the menstrual cycle run smoothly and do not give rise to a variety of complaints.
Swim at the time of menstruation is not recommended because it feared the blood vessels open and exposed to non-sterile water from the swimming pool will be at risk of causing infection. Moreover, it may swim during pregnancy will disturb your comfort. Therefore, it can be considered because it is not recommended and swam also not completely prohibited during menstruation.
As for some of the facts in the menstrual also you should know :
1. A woman can still get pregnant despite having intercourse when she was menstruating. The myth that conception will not occur if done during menstruation can not be trusted.
2. A woman is most fertile before or right at the time of ovulation, which is when the eggs out of the ovaries. Usually, ovulation occurs 7 days after menstruation, then on the third day after menstruation, women also in the fertile period.
3. Occasionally menstrual irregularities, if backward or forward up to 7 days, is still normal. Causes of irregular periods can be due to several things, such as the reduction or weight gain, stress, use of certain medications, up to serious diseases such as cancer of the uterus. If you often experience irregular menstrual cycles, immediately consult a physician.
4. Until a few decades ago, menstruation is still taboo and mystery, not many health experts to talk about it, menstruation has not become common knowledge for women. But in 1946, Disney released the film The Story of Menstruation as a lesson guide for young women to be more aware of his body, especially in the sexual area. The film is the first film to use the word vagina.
5. The average woman will bleed as much as one cup. Although every woman has a number of variation in menstrual fluid, most total blood loss are few scoops up one cup.
6. At puberty, adolescent girls are often embarrassed to say the word menstruation, menstruation or coming months. This does not only happen in Indonesia, but worldwide. Usually they use the code "I'm it,", "Again dapet," and so on. Young women usually still embarrassed to buy their own sanitary napkins.
7. When you are married, desire or libido will decline during the menstrual period. This is due to the influence of the hormone progesterone. But when the time of ovulation, you will experience a surge in libido. It is natural for women during the fertile period are more likely to get pregnant.
8. In some countries, menstruation is still a taboo. In the long tradition of Indonesia, girls who are menstruating are not allowed to come to the granary or keep rice ready for harvest. In other countries such as India, girls who are menstruating should not be cooked pickles and forbidden to touch the statues of the gods.
9. Always brand sanitary napkins is the first to show blood in advertising dressings in 2011. As we know, the blue color liquid is often used to replace fluid menstrual blood on the bandage ad. This ad had received criticism still emerge some time later.
10. The average age of girls who experience first period is 12 years. Increasingly, girls (and boys) experienced early puberty. Girls now there are already menstruating at the age of 9 years. The cause is still not clear, but environmental factors such as diet and high stress strongly suspected as the cause.
That is all about This article Avoided and Things You Need To Do When Menstruation Arrived. I did not understand what it is menstruation and related things in it, but because it has been mennyimpukan from various sources, it remains not understand too hahaha, may be useful.
Indonesian Tribe Has Magic Power of the Most Powerful
Indonesia is known to have a lot of tribes and nations that spread from the east end to the west. Every tribe and nation in Indonesia have a diversity of different cultures. Start from dances, songs, household products to the most horrified their magical culture. Trust it or not, many tribes in Indonesia who believe in things unseen. Even practicing for a particular purpose.
Magic or even magic is said to have existed since hundreds of years ago. Then passed on from one generation to another. The stories about the greatness of this magic was eventually spread to the entire island, even to the entire population of Indonesia. And this is the five tribes in Indonesia which is said to have magical powers or magic that powerful.
1. Dayak in Kalimantan

The Dayak tribe indeed has long been known to have magical or mystical power is very great. that power is usually stored in the weapons usually used for war like a saber, penyang, and Sipet. In addition Dayak also known to have a practice resembling a witch doctor can give the spell to attract a mate.
The supernatural world in Kalimantan grow very large. Maybe you've heard the saber that can fly and look for his opponent. Or oil reed supposedly yearns very magical in attracting the opposite sex. Oh yes, Power Tribe also has some immunity science that is often used for war or against anyone.
2. The Javanese in Banyuwangi

Magic or even magic is said to have existed since hundreds of years ago. Then passed on from one generation to another. The stories about the greatness of this magic was eventually spread to the entire island, even to the entire population of Indonesia. And this is the five tribes in Indonesia which is said to have magical powers or magic that powerful.
1. Dayak in Kalimantan

The Dayak tribe indeed has long been known to have magical or mystical power is very great. that power is usually stored in the weapons usually used for war like a saber, penyang, and Sipet. In addition Dayak also known to have a practice resembling a witch doctor can give the spell to attract a mate.
The supernatural world in Kalimantan grow very large. Maybe you've heard the saber that can fly and look for his opponent. Or oil reed supposedly yearns very magical in attracting the opposite sex. Oh yes, Power Tribe also has some immunity science that is often used for war or against anyone.
2. The Javanese in Banyuwangi

One of the most tribes in Indonesia are of Javanese. This tribe occupies many parts of Java, especially Central and East. Every region in East and Central Java proved to have a different culture, including the culture of magic in East Java is widely available in Banyuwangi. The town is located at the East end of the island of Java has long since become a den of witches are reputedly very powerful.
That is why many people are so scared when dealing with people of this city. One-one would be famous witchcraft and causing life was extremely miserable. Oh yes, many shamans in this area could be used as the issue of uproar in the 90s. Issues such as witches, ninjas, and others could make Banyuwangi so scary.
3. Asmat in Papua
Asmat in Papua also has a magical tradition that is fairly great. That is why the location of the Asmat is always awake and forests are not damaged. This happens because the Asmat very prohibit destruction of forests into their home. If this destruction is still being done then do not expect to live in peace. They will be doing things unseen to the destroyer.
Oh yes, Asmat respect for ancestors. That is why they believe a lot of spirit in nature. Magic in Asmat supposedly can be used to drive nature. For example it rain, lightning, up to a very large hurricane. Until now, many people around who believe the great strength of this Asmat.
4. Baduy in Banten
Baduy tribe is known to love to insulate themselves from modernization. They want to preserve the cultural ancestry in order not to be forgotten. Besides known to be very reliable in terms of keeping the culture, Baduy is also known to have mystical and magical tradition that is taken into account in Indonesia. Of course you've heard rumors about the science of pellets or witchcraft from Banten, right?
For matters of science invulnerable weapon, pellet, even witchcraft many say if Baduy is king. That's why in this area there are often art such as whistle highly resistant to fire and sharp objects. Not surprisingly, many people in Indonesia are obsessed to sit on the Baduy.
5. Kajang tribe in South Sulawesi
Occult tradition in South Sulawesi is already familiar. Even thought there were hundreds of years ago. Witchcraft as witchcraft, pellets, witches, and his friends have been there and eventually studied tribes in this region mainly tribes known Kajang very expert in mysticism.
They have knowledge that could make someone so resistant. Probably very similar to the Bedouins in Banten. Oh yes, they are also said to have a science capable of attacking from a distance. Horror again, this power is said to be killing other people.
Here are five tribal Indonesia is said to have magical power that is extraordinary. They can be scary things such as witchcraft, sorcery, witchcraft or even another is reasonably unlikely to occur. Oh yes, you included that believe things like this or not?
5 Kingdom of translucent said There in Some Regions Indonesia
Myths and legends are attached to a place can not be separated from the people of Indonesia, because it is an assertion that is handed down by ancestors of the Indonesian nation. So no wonder, if in modern times, as now, there are still many people who hold fast to the belief in the spiritual power or occult that are in place.
The stories circulating were varied, because each tribe in Indonesia has a culture of each are different from each other. You must have often heard of the term kingdom unseen, for those who want to know more about the unseen -kerajaan kingdom is believed to exist in Indonesia to date, check out the following information about the supernatural haunting 5 kingdom several places in Indonesia.
1. The Kingdom of Invisibility South Sea

The existence of the Queen of the South Coast and kerajaanya is a myth which is still a lot of discussion and controversy. Many versions circulating in the community related to the figure of the ruler's southern island of Java sea. The existence of the southern ocean kingdom is also linked with the king of the Mataram kingdom and his descendants.
One story that is trusted by the people who live near the south coast is the story of the queen of the south coast which previously was the consort Prabu Siliwangi. He performed the ritual mekso or transform themselves into supernatural beings by throwing themselves into the sea. Since that time she was pregnant, then later two daughters each hold the southern coast of Java island known as Nyi Roro Kidul, whereas in the north controlled by the Dewi Lanjar.
2. The Kingdom of Ghaib Alas Purwo
Supernatural kingdom which is in the Alas Purwo believed to be the greatest empire in Indonesia jin. Based in Banyuwangi in East Java, a protected forest that will sting feels mystical atmosphere when you visit this place.
Many believe that purwo base is a gathering place of the genie. In addition, also as a place that people used to meditate, including Ir. Sukarno also often visited the place Alas Purwo. Reportedly wilderness first is to serve as a refuge for kings who would not convert to Islam three kingdom Ghaib Mount Merapi
Not only wilderness and oceans are believed to be the abode of supernatural beings, but the mountains are also believed to be haunted and mystical place. Some believe that there is a supernatural kingdom on the site, one of which is Mount Merapi.
3. The Kingdom of Invisibility Mount Merapi
Not only wilderness and oceans are believed to be the abode of supernatural beings, but the mountains are also believed to be haunted and mystical place. Some believe that there is a supernatural kingdom on the site, one of which is Mount Merapi.
Mount Merapi, located in Java and became one of the 10 most dangerous active volcanoes in the world. People around the slopes of Merapi believe that the rocks near the summit area is the center of the unseen realm of volcanic headed by grandparents Merapi, the place is called market Bubrah.
4. The Kingdom of Ghaib Pulomas
Java island seemed to be a breeding place astral beings. Indramayu is located in Java Island are believed to have supernatural kingdom Pulomas shaped marshes. Perhaps ordinary people can not see the ground there are other things, but for people who have a particular vision, then he will see a huge empire with solid walls made of gold, that said Wak Cartim a local caretaker.
Before Indramayu established a king named Wiralodra, he led the deforestation to establish the kingdom. Did not accept it, the king of supernatural Werdinata who controlled the forests, challenging Wiralodra to fight up to 11 months. With the help of supernatural king of another kingdom called Kalacungkring, eventually they both come to terms with the proviso Wiralodra should marry the daughter of the King Werdinata. Pulomas unseen kingdom is believed to still exist today and still led by King Werdinata.
5. The Kingdom of Ghaib Uwentira
Not only Java, Sulawesi island also has its own story about the existence of a supernatural kingdom. For some people, the existence of supernatural beings who inhabit a site, will create an atmosphere where it becomes felt haunted. Sometimes their presence is also evidenced by the appearances of supernatural beings.
Many believe and not doubt the existence of a supernatural kingdom called Uwentira, a coffee plantation located between Palu and Parigi Moutong district. If you visit this place, then you will find a monument berwarana yellow. Local people believe that that's where the gate stood unseen towards Uwentira.Itulah some place that is believed to be the location of the establishment of a supernatural kingdom. Indeed it is difficult to prove, because its existence invisible. But we still have to respect that belief as part of their culture. Because everyone should have convictions are each associated with a particular place, including in terms of the existence of supernatural beings are in charge of that place.
Tips on How to Seduce Women Most Powerful Proven success
How to Seduce Women - Another important part of How to Conquer the Heart Women who must be mastered man is knowing how the technique opens the subconscious and hearts of women to be able to catch every word or message from our body language, in the form of seduction.
Hello friends, meet again with me. there are tips on how to Conquer Hearts most powerful woman of all time, which on this occasion will continue our learning materials, around Tricks How To Attract Women How to Seduce Women with preferred.
Discussion this time deliberately me in SPECIAL want to reveal the secret of how the heck do I Right, Right And sharpshooter And Effective Ways Women Attention WITH Flirt most Extremely Easy Without a lot of theory.
Many messages or questions coming from all friends from all over Indonesia as well as Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei to me, who complained of the difficulty of establishing closer proximity to the targets, namely women.
Many common questions such as how the heck do I pick up a woman who really, to seduce beautiful women, how to seduce women through facebook, how to seduce women through sms to how to seduce women to fall in love.
Even the question quite strange and mischievous yet they did not hesitate to ask me such as How to Seduce Women's kissing up to seduce the woman to perform one intimate relationship of husband and wife (Forget just for those who already have an official partner !!)
But more spectacular and highly sensitive sorry bahasannya is a question that he was inspired by his own my experience , namely how to seduce a married woman, unfortunately'm all by example every .....
Well, then one of what does not when a lot of friends who asked questions about the Women to Take Heart?!
Obviously not wrong !! it is a fact and a reality that is already happening in the environment around us. The exception is the last question Examples of How to Seduce Women married !! it clearly im suggest NOT BE !!
How to Seduce Women True
if friends want to know, how to woo the girl of the most powerful and most accurate is like, so that will make women targets so klepek-klepek like the song neng hesti, let's see below
Proven Most Powerful Tips How To Seduce Women
1. His eyes face Direct When Talking
This is a powerful weapon that love used since a young age to the present. Very simple and effective without having to guess again, whether she likes it or not with the seduction of our death, hehehe.
The trick is, learn EVERY motion Arah, his gaze And Speaking, IF he Looked right into Mean differences were ABOUT Future Thinking otherwise IF he Looked Into Bottom left, a period which is being Become lalulah mind.
The explanation is that, when the woman often shaking and her eyes gaze upward, hopefully it is a sign of something positive, where he was gathering energy to remove the ego and shame to say like, yes or come to you.
Instead, IF he often turned away, which means Down And stare him aside Go left when speaking WITH your body, then According to Me, Better Do not continue efforts Seducing him.
Abstinence When Seducing this way !!
Do not get used to staring at the female body from the neck down when you're seducing women new you know, whatever the circumstances !!
Want him sexy, or what looks tempting, avoid it pal !! antisipati for you the kind of guy who shy to avoid nervous or clumsy, please try the face-to-mouth is speaking, not the other !!
Except for those who have experienced or proficient to conquer a woman, you already know the big secret eyes are sharp woman what the impact will not you? hehehe, just rest is up to you ....
2. Do not Like the Flowing Water Forced Leave
Well this is the action that is usually overlooked by us as men. Because not impatient, pinginnya to the point, shoot straight at the target nurut let us willingness and desire !! happens mess.
Fatal, if this happens then your effort to learn a lot on the blog how to conquer the hearts of women such as How to Meet Women to learn to recognize the characteristics of Women In Love so messy again !!
Remember !! Do not be too pushy to talk to him, understand our intention or our willingness to obey, if he suddenly prefer to be silent or to go, you do not need too shocked made, wait,,, patient and keep the liver, it said Aa Gym also !!
Ya how me so, usually will say or talk to her like this: "Okay, I'm not going to force the you have to like what I say, but the minimum you can see and feel what I want from you! ! "
Underline it !! That's the secret of success me, how do I hide my seriousness when it wants something from the woman, but at the same time he showed the attitude of hesitation, embarrassment or other reasons.
And the fact the result is !! they would give up the desire or willingness to grant us from it !! as requested kiss,, hahahaha
Abstinence When Seducing this way !!
Never push yourself to the wishes or will you !! loh remember, Satan was everywhere !! once you get stuck and one control themselves, such as forced to do something that is outside the boundaries and irresponsible, impunity and God is waiting for you !!
3. Flirting With Humor Techniques
Throw humor or jokes, jokes can warm the atmosphere, or when you see the girls get smart. you should play dumb and continue to pay attention to his words, nodding, the girl will think you are a captive audience understanding.
Well here's how my favorite too !! almost 90% of the success my get anything at all out of a woman is the technique of expressing a desire to joke.
Case in ya, if kta find the targets you are no problems such as mad at you, the same jutek you, then I would say this to him, and in this way guaranteed How to Seduce Women the Most Insane I've ever done.
Do not get used to staring at the female body from the neck down when you're seducing women new you know, whatever the circumstances !!
Want him sexy, or what looks tempting, avoid it pal !! antisipati for you the kind of guy who shy to avoid nervous or clumsy, please try the face-to-mouth is speaking, not the other !!
Except for those who have experienced or proficient to conquer a woman, you already know the big secret eyes are sharp woman what the impact will not you? hehehe, just rest is up to you ....
2. Do not Like the Flowing Water Forced Leave
Well this is the action that is usually overlooked by us as men. Because not impatient, pinginnya to the point, shoot straight at the target nurut let us willingness and desire !! happens mess.
Fatal, if this happens then your effort to learn a lot on the blog how to conquer the hearts of women such as How to Meet Women to learn to recognize the characteristics of Women In Love so messy again !!
Remember !! Do not be too pushy to talk to him, understand our intention or our willingness to obey, if he suddenly prefer to be silent or to go, you do not need too shocked made, wait,,, patient and keep the liver, it said Aa Gym also !!
Ya how me so, usually will say or talk to her like this: "Okay, I'm not going to force the you have to like what I say, but the minimum you can see and feel what I want from you! ! "
Underline it !! That's the secret of success me, how do I hide my seriousness when it wants something from the woman, but at the same time he showed the attitude of hesitation, embarrassment or other reasons.
And the fact the result is !! they would give up the desire or willingness to grant us from it !! as requested kiss,, hahahaha
Abstinence When Seducing this way !!
Never push yourself to the wishes or will you !! loh remember, Satan was everywhere !! once you get stuck and one control themselves, such as forced to do something that is outside the boundaries and irresponsible, impunity and God is waiting for you !!
3. Flirting With Humor Techniques
Throw humor or jokes, jokes can warm the atmosphere, or when you see the girls get smart. you should play dumb and continue to pay attention to his words, nodding, the girl will think you are a captive audience understanding.
Well here's how my favorite too !! almost 90% of the success my get anything at all out of a woman is the technique of expressing a desire to joke.
Case in ya, if kta find the targets you are no problems such as mad at you, the same jutek you, then I would say this to him, and in this way guaranteed How to Seduce Women the Most Insane I've ever done.
"You know dear, if you are angry then, I see it more sexier lips and cheeks are so rosy !! very beautiful and seductive,"
Want to know what kind of effect? Short or long reaction, he would smile and getting close to you, at a minimum he hit affection or pinch your amorous
4. Always Plan When Interlocking Seducing Women
many cases which were supposed to be meeting we should be successful and qualified, in fact ended in disappointment, and the culprit is because we are too plain sober !!
We need smart man !! before meeting women, a target for what we will do when you meet, what you want to say, we are told or what you want to advance, especially for beginners, and are learning how to How to How to Seduce a woman subduing women.
If those of you who are already proficient and experienced will not be a problem, if it is used then the things or events could quickly dominated the spontaneity of the circumstances or situation, agree right?
5. Be creative when Seducing Women
Another important matter of technique How to Seduce Women's right and most effective results are when you come across an unexpected situation, such as refusal or resistance, then quickly take the idea of substitutes.
Case in again, you have not met, and when you meet him, it seems you want to remove the sense of missed with a hug or kiss her, but she was like refuse and not ready when you are trapped with your seduction.
When you say 'it has long been the last time I hug and kiss you dear !! Would you give it before I go again? "Uh, know-him he said, or visible from his body language refuse or hesitate to do it, then:
If you slip in words that trap, switch it with a joke and make a new humor of the condition. No need to stress but smart and fun, so that will be followed by the words;
"Ok dear, I'm sorry if it is wrong to say that it should not I express !! you must understand why I say want it, because I really love you and too long to hold flavor and pronounced directly in front of you !!"
His reaction will be like? usually does, if experience kang dian, the expression will quickly loosen ego, pride or shame women, and slowly they will give you what you want..
6. Confident When Seducing Women
do you agree if the results of what we get normally in accordance with the presupposition we were before? "
For example, say if we want to meet girls on a week night for the first time, me or you are targeting that the evening before going home we should get the most romantic and memorable kiss, what do you think you will do and get in the end?
if your intention before the meeting is already strong in the beginning that you have to get a kiss from her, then automatically our brain and body language we prepared as well as possible to get it right?
How to ask for and How to Attract Women Attention her how? certainly believe you left alone when speaking, believe am left when you ask and believe am left when you did it !!
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Beautiful Natural view Photo 20 In Indonesia
Images of beautiful natural scenery in Indonesia where there are 20 of the most beautiful natural scenery of the various places in parts of Indonesia. Our country from Sabang to Merauke lined islands with an abundance of tropical beauty of Nature. It is fitting we are grateful to those of the nation.
The scenery was very charming offers a million natural beauty of the archipelago our beloved earth. Admin is seeking to summarize in this post to share pictures of natural scenery in Indonesia are really very amazing. By seeing these photos surely you feel the coolness in the heart of tranquility of soul and refresh our brains because nature has a positive power that is very unusual for our bodies. Therefore, it is fitting for us as a good citizen to keep and maintain the beauty of the nature around us.
By looking at the landscape below you must have wanted to visit, because the extraordinary beauty of the venue. It will probably require quite a lot of money to go there, but for which we can not still get to enjoy the natural beauty around us.
Beautiful Natural view Photo in Indonesia
1. Mount Rinjani, Lombok
View the peak of Mount Rinjani
Climb the peak of Mount Rinjani
2. Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua
Natural View Raja Ampat Islands
3. Sianok Canyon and Valley Harau, West Sumatra
Natural View Canyon Sianok Bukit Tinggi West Sumatera
The natural landscape Harau Valley, West Sumatra
4. Baluran National Park, East Java

Natural View of Lake Toba
6. Maluk Beach - Sumbawa - NTB

Maluk Beach View - Sumbawa
7. Mount Ijen - Banyuwangi

View Mount Ijen Crater
8. The peak Jayawijaya, Papua

Peak View Jayawijaya
9. Krakatau volcano, Sunda Strait

Krakatau erupts
10. Mount Bromo, East Java

Views of Mount Bromo, East Java
11. Dreamland Beach, Bali

View Dreamland Beach, Bali
12. Green Canyon, West Java

Green Canyon (Cukang Taneuh), Ciamis - West Java
13. Goa Gong, East Java

Natural View Underground Goa Gong, Pacitan, East Java
14. Belitung Island, Bangka Belitung

View beach on the island of Belitung
15. Derawan Island, East Kalimantan

Derawan Island Beach
16. Bintan Island, Riau

Bintan Island, Riau
17. Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi

Bunaken National Marine Park
18. Umang Island in Banten

Umang Island Beach, Banten
19. Curug Cikaso, sukabumi

Curug Cikaso, sukabumi
20. Trio Gili - (Gili Air, Gili Meno, and Gili Trawangan) in Lombok

Trio Gili - Lombok
That's the 20th photo beautiful natural scenery in Indonesia, which is where the most loveliest? Of the many photos above, in Indonesia there are many more places that have natural beauty that is not less cool, in this post only part of it.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
The negative impact of drugs and addictive substances
in this article I will discuss about "The negative impact of drugs and addictive substances"
The impact of drugs, if misused, (DRUGS: narcotics and drug / hazardous materials), it is very dangerous to humans.
Drugs can be harmful to people's physical, emotional, and behavioral effects of the wearer.
The impact of drugs, if misused, (DRUGS: narcotics and drug / hazardous materials), it is very dangerous to humans.
Drugs can be harmful to people's physical, emotional, and behavioral effects of the wearer.
1. The impact of drugs on physical
Drug users will experience physical disorders as follows:
a. His weight will drop drastically.
b. His eyes will appear sunken and red.
c. His face was pale.
d. His lips become blackish.
e. Arms full of red spots.
f. Bowel movements and little less smoothly.
g. Constipation or abdominal pain without apparent reason.
2. The impact of drugs on emotion
Drug users will experience emotional changes as follows:
a. Very sensitive and easily bored.
b. If reprimanded or scolded, the user will show defiance.
c. Emotionally unstable.
d. Loss of appetite.
3. The impact of drugs on behavior
Drug users will show negative behavior as follows:
a. lazy
b. often forgetting responsibility
c. rarely routine tasks
d. shows indifference
e. away from family
f. steal money at home, school, or place of work
g. pawn valuables at home
h. often aloof
i. spend time in places deserted and dark, like in the bedroom, closet, warehouse, or bathroom
j. afraid of water
k. prolonged cough and colds
l. being manipulative
m. often lies and broken promises for many reasons
n. frequent yawning
o. mengaluarkan excessive sweating
p. often having nightmares
q. Have a headache
r. Pain / soreness in the joints of the body
Cigarette smoke can cause odor. Secondhand smoke causes shortness of breath and coughing. Why can happen so? cigarette smoke contains chemicals that are harmful. Not less than 1,000 chemicals present in cigarette smoke. Besides endangering penisapnya, also harm the people around her. Although not smoke but they come suck smoke. Such people are called passive smoking (silent). Thus it can be said smoke air pollutants.
Cigarette smoke contains toxins, for example:
1. Tar: a component in cigarette smoke stay as the rest of the post is eliminated nicotine and liquid droplets. Tar is a collection of various chemicals derived from tobacco leaves themselves, as well as those added to the tobacco in the cigarette industrial and agricultural processes. Please note that the levels of tar in cigarettes is a stimulant substances incidence of cancer in the body.
2. Nicotine: is a substance found in tobacco leaves which can lead to addiction. Nikotn is a dangerous substance because it can cause cessation of breathing. Smoke cigarettes is tantamount to suck nicotine. Nicotine raises blood pressure and heart rate to the heart becomes heavy work.
3. Carbon monoxide: a poisonous gas with no smell at all. Of course, the carbon monoxide gas contained in asaprokok may cause interference to the hemoglobin (Hb, red blood). Carbon monoxide can get rid of oxygen (O2) in the body. Other hazards that will cause constriction of blood vessel tissue.
LIQUOR and its adverse impacts
Liquor also disrupt health. liquor containing alcohol (ethanol) is a clear colorless liquid, volatile and flammable. Alcohol obtained from the fermentation of carbohydrates. Alcohol is metabolized by the body so quickly lead to addiction or addiction to those who drink alcohol in addition to the alcohol can be harmful to others. People who kecanduaan alcohol often commit criminal acts, such as stealing, robbing, raping, and even killing. Alcohol is also harmful to health. some of the dangers of alcohol are described as follows.
• Alcohol disrupt the nervous system. People who drink a lot of alcohol would be drunk so it is not sensitive to the surrounding circumstances. He would say without awareness so that his words do not make sense to communicate with
• Metabolic disorders that affect the body's heart failure or heart defects it is because the fats accumulate in the arteries that can block blood flow and increased cardiac work.
• Barriers platelet formation susum bone damage that can lead to bleeding, anemia, and deficiency of white blood cells.
• Can cause liver damage in the long term Causes liver failure and cancer.
• Increase decrepitude respiratory infections due to damage, liver, or lack of food.
• May cause damage syarafyang arrangement controlling the flow of blood, causing redness of the skin. Besides alcohol also causes dilation of blood vessels in the skin
• Alcohol impairs the ability of the kidneys to absorb liquids. As a result, the body becomes lack of fluids (dehydration) lack of fluid in large quantities.
Psychotropic substances actually drugs that affect the mind and nervous system. Psiktropika substances contained in plants such as cannabis, opium, marijuana, and cocaine since been used since ancient. Now more and more variety of psychotropic substances as many man-made.
Based on the function of psychotropic drugs divided into three namely drug stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens and drugs:
o Drug stimulants (stimulants) is a drug that stimulates the nervous system so that people feel more pwecaya yourself and always be wary examples of these drugs are, caffeine nicotine and cocaine
o Drug depressants (tranquilizers) is a drug that suppresses the nervous system so that its use feel sleepy and kesadarannyaturun level. Examples of this type of drug is alcohol and barbiturates
o Drug hallucinogens are drugs that can deflect the mind use
People who use psychotropic drugs will experience a nervous system disorder. Some of them are as follows.
- Narcotics can cause pain and sensations so that users feel happy because not disturbed the problems facing it. However, excessive use can cause death.
- Cocaine can join to be used for local anesthesia. Cocaine is a stimulant to the nervous system so that it can improve stamina and reduce fatigue. However, the use of cocaine is only temporary usually followed by a squeeze pressure and fear (depression). Excessive use may cause fainting or even death if the user abruptly stops addicts will suffer from the disease with signs of seizure, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating and difficulty sleeping.
- Dapatmenghilangkan morphine pain. However, morphine causes drowsiness and lethargy, confusion, excessive feeling of happiness (euforioa), and disorders of the respiratory system.
- Ecstasy can cause a feeling fresh and full of energy that used to feel sleepy. However, users of these drugs reduce the desire to drink so that it can become dehydrated. Long-term use causes loss of memory and the ability to move the body.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Where nginx.conf location?
Nginx is now beginning to peep as web server software alternative because they are lightweight and efficient resource server than Apache. One feature that is missed is using .htaccess files for quick solutions to regulate the behavior of the site, well ... in Nginx things like this should be put in the server{} or location{} nginx.conf. Not memorized the location?
You install Nginx server depending on what Linux distributions (CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, ArchLinux, etc.) or use a script that automatically complete the setting up web server location can be different. Please check one of several possible positions :
You install Nginx server depending on what Linux distributions (CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, ArchLinux, etc.) or use a script that automatically complete the setting up web server location can be different. Please check one of several possible positions :
- /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
- /etc/nginx/nginx.conf – Usually used in EasyEngine.
- /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- /etc/nginx/nginx.conf/nginx.conf
- /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf – Centminmod put it here.
- /etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx.conf – Ini in VPSSIM.
- C:\WT-NMP\conf\nginx.conf – WT-NMP is Nginx for Windows localhost.
It turns out you have to check one by one of the above directories but not found Nginx configuration file? Still no alternative solution is to ask directly to the program currently using nginx.conf located where:
" nginx -t "
Later will come the reply as follows:
" nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: [emerg] listen() to, backlog 256 failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test failed "
Actually, the above command is used to test the Nginx configuration and a side effect is to show the location of the file. And because there is an error it seems the end of this week I have to be busy troubleshooting the problem.
But my server is still normal, it's not vital. :-)) :-))
Overcoming 502 Bad Gateway on Nginx
in this article I will discuss " Overcoming 502 Bad Gateway on Nginx "
This time the problem I experienced was on the WordPress website using Nginx and there in front of CloudFlare, but the reason for the emergence of HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error.
If you see a white page Nginx with the following error message means the same case :
- 502 Bad Gateway
- 502 Proxy Error
- 502 Bad Gateway NGINX
- 502 Service Temporarily Overloaded
- Error 502
- HTTP 502
- HTTP Error 502 – Bad Gateway
Before we discuss the solution is then obliged us to understand what the purpose of this error message. So Bad Gateway that means is the gate / driveway problematic. The point is that the service or application that receives and processes requests from Nginx can not handle it. It usually occurs in PHP-FPM and became my base in the discussion of this case.
Restart PHP-FPM
The solution is easy and fast, you just type:
" service php5-fpm restart "
This could be said to be temporary because we are not trying to find out and fix the problem. After servicenya active again you must check the contents of the error logs PHP-FPM what the problem to be diagnosed.
Make sure your PHP-FPM listening to right
There are 2 kinds of ways services PHP-FPM listen to and serve the request, via a socket or IP address. Please check the configuration (named www.conf) and make sure the contents one of the following, or you exchange:
" listen = /var/run/php5-fpm.sock "
" listen = "
After that the restart PHP-FPM.
Check the rights of PHP-FPM AKSes
There are times when we forget governs how files - file PHP-FPM service will be used by Nginx. Just make sure it can communicate:
- Check php.ini and www.conf contents in user and group parts are compatible with the existing Nginx configuration.
- Is /var/run/php5-fpm.sock file can be used Nginx?
- Including the / var / lib / php please verify.
Turn off the APC or try another caching system in PHP
APC (Alternative PHP Cache) function is to create a cache of code - PHP code that is executed so that the next process requiring the same functions will be faster processing. But sometimes these features result in error 502, I suggest that first try disabling it.
I recommended replacing the alternative to it. The consideration is the old system and has been replaced by PHP OPcache, try using a new one and formally included in PHP version 5.5 and above.
Increase the buffer size and timeout on Nginx configuration
So please edit nginx.conf and place the following code in the block http {}:
http {
fastcgi_buffers 8 16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
fastcgi_connect_timeout 300;
fastcgi_send_timeout 300;
fastcgi_read_timeout 300;
Functions that Nginx process data with a larger container in memory so it does not need to be stored in the hard disk while. Also when the process is timed to avoid direct longer be considered a failure.
So first up the discussion here, I just know some of the above solutions. And I just realized though the title Nginx but the solution is 4 the tooling - tweaking PHP-FPM and the only one whose dealings with Nginx.