Sunday, March 26, 2017

7 How to Enlarge Penis Most-Wanted People

the time this article I will discuss about "How to Enlarge Penis Most-Wanted People" 

# 1 Massage Techniques
Buddy would not choose a penis enlargement medication on the list of the first things you want to do to perform penis enlargement quickly. The massage technique is a very good choice when a friend wanted to try a penis enlargement by natural means.
How safe is in addition to massage, can mate practiced directly at home. Penis massage technique to enlarge the penis most famous named "Jelq". Of course my friend all have been familiar with the word "jelq"

Jelq is a massage technique that comes from the middle east. It is said that people in Saudi there often do it and get satisfactory results, is that true? structurally, the penis is composed of three rooms containing the spongy tissue. This tissue absorbs blood through the penis when erect pal. With proper training, these spaces can be expanded to the size of the penis should be scientifically pal enlarged. The first information is important because my friend had to be very careful in trying a natural penis enlargement method.

So how do I do Jelq method? This method is not only one technique for Jelq penis enlargement method also has some of the techniques. Make sure the penis friend does not have an erection when trying this technique. For example, techniques as simple as holding the head of the penis with a steady and pulled up his head out and hold for 1 minute. If there is pain, then stop for this technique to be done in comfortable circumstances.

To make the blood circulation returned to normal, turn your penis slowly for about 10 seconds. After that, re-do the first step with repetitions 4-5 times.

# 2 Techniques balooning
Techniques balooning? tying balloons to the penis? baseball so well anyway. Although this technique is named balooning, but there really is not at all the balloons that are involved here. In contrast to the Jelqing technique balooning not contain tugging motion penis and tend to be soft because the movement just rub.

Step balooning techniques starting from rubbing your hands gently to the "magic spot". This area is the area that gives friend a sensation of pleasure. Continue continues to rub in a circular motion, continue to do until penile erection pal.

Natural ingredient
In addition to the form of gymnastic movements of the penis, there are materials that support to enlarge the penis. Rather than choose the chemical drugs, man should wear natural fabrics below so my friend could do with a penis enlargement quiet because no harm. We in this blog are also often advised to use natural ingredients instead of artificial ingredients. Here is a natural substance that friend can consider.

  # 3 Tea Stale
This myth is often heard my friend circulating in the online media is stale tea can be used to enlarge the penis, right? the editorial team has yet to find the contents of scientific and proven to enlarge the penis. But from some of the literature, many who wrote that it is not a myth because ancient people use stale tea proven to enlarge the penis. Techniques stale tea is actually just additional techniques, Jelq remains a major technique to enlarge the penis. We also have not found the testimony of penis enlargement assisted with stale tea, but outside sources also said the stale tea is also one way to enlarge the penis quickly.

Buddy must consider many things to do it this way. See if your friend does not suffer from allergies that harm the body when using stale tea mate. But if my friend is interested to try it out and deemed safe, then we give this stale tea recipe and still keep in mind must be used properly and should be prior consultation with a wide range:

How to Enlarge penis with stale tea:

1. Provide tea, not tea powder. In addition to tea, provide either a glass or cup with a capacity of 300-400ml
2. Mix 3 tablespoons of tea into the cup with hot water.
3. Cover and store away from the reach of children
4. Keep for 5 days until the tea becomes stale.
5. Warm up the penis for 5 minutes (do exist in this ebook which we recommend). then soak your penis in the stale tea water for 10-15 minutes.
6. When finished, do the Jelq exercise for 15-20 minutes.
7. Clean the penis with soap and dry.
8. Brewed tea as the first step back and do it again as the next steps.

Keep in mind, if my friend felt an awkwardness in doing it this way, for example, irritation or discomfort, please do not be forwarded. How this may be true for everyone but it really depends on the condition of his own penis pal.

  # 4 Oil Leech
One more natural ingredient is said to enlarge the penis besides stale tea. If my friend looking on the internet, it will come a lot of references on the use of oil leech to enlarge the penis. But is this way is not dangerous? my friend should read this discussion completely.

Why leeches considered to enlarge the penis? This may be his way of thinking starts from the knowledge leech hirudin carries enzymes that are useful as blood liquefying frozen if there is the problem of frozen blood in the blood vessels. This is the rationale of how leech can enlarge penis because Hirudin enzyme's ability unuk thaw frozen blood so that it can make the penis become longer.

Is that true?

Need pal know that penis enlargement can not be done instantly. As previously written that jelq once or twice is not enough to make the penis big and long pal. Required regular exercise and discipline so that the results will be visible. In fact, we just say stale tea is an additional method to enlarge the penis, by massaging as its main method.'

Leech oil will never work as a penis enlargement instant. Many traders who deceive buyers by saying the oil leech will enlarge the penis coupled with bonus penis massage techniques. This is a big mistake because in fact the original way in how massage (that's with a regular) and not of the efficacy lintahnya oil itself. Until now, not a single study that says that leech oil beneficial for penis enlargement instantly.

In addition to the myth that is not proven true, anointing leeches are also dangerous when having sex buddy. Nothing guarantees the hygiene level of oil use leeches pal. And the buddy associated with a partner, then the friend will harm the pair for inserting fluid into the vagina clean. This can cause dangerous infections to the health of my friend and partner. Therefore, it is important not to trust the leech oil as a natural ingredient that instant to enlarge the penis.

# 5 Leaves Wrap Papua 
Indonesia also has local materials to enlarge the penis, if my friend had heard the leaves wrap Papua? This material is well known to enlarge the penis, although not instantly but must regularly.

There are two ways to use the leaves wrap Papua as a penis enlargement. The first way is with the leaves scraped across the top and then spread with coconut oil and wrapped into Mr.P. The second way is created as a herb. Some of its leaves crushed and then mixed with water and applied to the penis result pal. Both of these effects are relatively the same way, if my friend wants to know other variations usually leaves the seller on the internet are often told how and safe dosage. But it is necessary pal always remember that prudence is always required to wear.

  # 6 leaves Jarak Pagar
The next herbal way is to use the leaves of Jatropha. To make herb leaves Jatropha Jatropha is required at least with its handle as many as 10 sheets. It also leaves 10 along with citrus lime.
The first step is the kaffir lime leaves and jatropha until finely ground and mixed with 50 ml of water. Squeeze the lime of 1-2 pieces and mix into this herb. Take a clean cloth and then wring this herb. The juice is what will be used to enlarge the penis herb. Before taking this herb, do penis exercises for 5 minutes then smeared his potion to the entire penis. Olesannya can be repeated 3 to 4 times and let stand for 10 minutes. Afterwards do massage for 20 minutes. Once you've done, comrade must remember to clean the penis.

  # 7 Adas Pulosari
Adas Pulosari plant easily found in the spice sellers. Adas Pulosari is famous an herbal concoction to overcome the problem of virility. If my friend looked it up on the internet, there are many kinds of potions made from fennel pulosari is believed to tackle the problem of men.

Buddy will we let the fennel herb recipe pulosari to enlarge the penis. In addition adas pulosari, man must prepare eel and shoots mistletoe fir. First download the eel's head and then grilled over a fire until charred into charcoal. Grind until smooth. Pulosari then mashed fennel and pine parasite shoots. Strain and take the juice up to a quarter of a cup. Combine juice with crushed eel as much as half a teaspoon. Stir until smooth and rub while massaging the penis from base to tip gently for 10 minutes. Perform routine for a month then certainly pal penis will grow.



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