Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The negative impact of drugs and addictive substances

in this article I will discuss about "The negative impact of drugs and addictive substances"

The impact of drugs, if misused, (DRUGS: narcotics and drug / hazardous materials), it is very dangerous to humans.

Drugs can be harmful to people's physical, emotional, and behavioral effects of the wearer.

1. The impact of drugs on physical

Drug users will experience physical disorders as follows:
a. His weight will drop drastically.
b. His eyes will appear sunken and red.
c. His face was pale.
d. His lips become blackish.
e. Arms full of red spots.
f. Bowel movements and little less smoothly.
g. Constipation or abdominal pain without apparent reason.

2. The impact of drugs on emotion

Drug users will experience emotional changes as follows:
a. Very sensitive and easily bored.
b. If reprimanded or scolded, the user will show defiance.
c. Emotionally unstable.
d. Loss of appetite.

3. The impact of drugs on behavior

Drug users will show negative behavior as follows:
a. lazy
b. often forgetting responsibility
c. rarely routine tasks
d. shows indifference
e. away from family
f. steal money at home, school, or place of work
g. pawn valuables at home
h. often aloof
i. spend time in places deserted and dark, like in the bedroom, closet, warehouse, or bathroom
j. afraid of water
k. prolonged cough and colds
l. being manipulative
m. often lies and broken promises for many reasons
n. frequent yawning
o. mengaluarkan excessive sweating
p. often having nightmares
q. Have a headache
r. Pain / soreness in the joints of the body

Cigarette smoke can cause odor. Secondhand smoke causes shortness of breath and coughing. Why can happen so? cigarette smoke contains chemicals that are harmful. Not less than 1,000 chemicals present in cigarette smoke. Besides endangering penisapnya, also harm the people around her. Although not smoke but they come suck smoke. Such people are called passive smoking (silent). Thus it can be said smoke air pollutants.

Cigarette smoke contains toxins, for example:

1. Tar: a component in cigarette smoke stay as the rest of the post is eliminated nicotine and liquid droplets. Tar is a collection of various chemicals derived from tobacco leaves themselves, as well as those added to the tobacco in the cigarette industrial and agricultural processes. Please note that the levels of tar in cigarettes is a stimulant substances incidence of cancer in the body.

2. Nicotine: is a substance found in tobacco leaves which can lead to addiction. Nikotn is a dangerous substance because it can cause cessation of breathing. Smoke cigarettes is tantamount to suck nicotine. Nicotine raises blood pressure and heart rate to the heart becomes heavy work.

3. Carbon monoxide: a poisonous gas with no smell at all. Of course, the carbon monoxide gas contained in asaprokok may cause interference to the hemoglobin (Hb, red blood). Carbon monoxide can get rid of oxygen (O2) in the body. Other hazards that will cause constriction of blood vessel tissue.

LIQUOR and its adverse impacts
Liquor also disrupt health. liquor containing alcohol (ethanol) is a clear colorless liquid, volatile and flammable. Alcohol obtained from the fermentation of carbohydrates. Alcohol is metabolized by the body so quickly lead to addiction or addiction to those who drink alcohol in addition to the alcohol can be harmful to others. People who kecanduaan alcohol often commit criminal acts, such as stealing, robbing, raping, and even killing. Alcohol is also harmful to health. some of the dangers of alcohol are described as follows.

• Alcohol disrupt the nervous system. People who drink a lot of alcohol would be drunk so it is not sensitive to the surrounding circumstances. He would say without awareness so that his words do not make sense to communicate with
• Metabolic disorders that affect the body's heart failure or heart defects it is because the fats accumulate in the arteries that can block blood flow and increased cardiac work.
• Barriers platelet formation susum bone damage that can lead to bleeding, anemia, and deficiency of white blood cells.
• Can cause liver damage in the long term Causes liver failure and cancer.
• Increase decrepitude respiratory infections due to damage, liver, or lack of food.
• May cause damage syarafyang arrangement controlling the flow of blood, causing redness of the skin. Besides alcohol also causes dilation of blood vessels in the skin
• Alcohol impairs the ability of the kidneys to absorb liquids. As a result, the body becomes lack of fluids (dehydration) lack of fluid in large quantities.

Psychotropic substances actually drugs that affect the mind and nervous system. Psiktropika substances contained in plants such as cannabis, opium, marijuana, and cocaine since been used since ancient. Now more and more variety of psychotropic substances as many man-made.
Based on the function of psychotropic drugs divided into three namely drug stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens and drugs:
o Drug stimulants (stimulants) is a drug that stimulates the nervous system so that people feel more pwecaya yourself and always be wary examples of these drugs are, caffeine nicotine and cocaine
o Drug depressants (tranquilizers) is a drug that suppresses the nervous system so that its use feel sleepy and kesadarannyaturun level. Examples of this type of drug is alcohol and barbiturates
o Drug hallucinogens are drugs that can deflect the mind use

People who use psychotropic drugs will experience a nervous system disorder. Some of them are as follows.

  • Narcotics can cause pain and sensations so that users feel happy because not disturbed the problems facing it. However, excessive use can cause death.

  • Cocaine can join to be used for local anesthesia. Cocaine is a stimulant to the nervous system so that it can improve stamina and reduce fatigue. However, the use of cocaine is only temporary usually followed by a squeeze pressure and fear (depression). Excessive use may cause fainting or even death if the user abruptly stops addicts will suffer from the disease with signs of seizure, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating and difficulty sleeping.

  • Dapatmenghilangkan morphine pain. However, morphine causes drowsiness and lethargy, confusion, excessive feeling of happiness (euforioa), and disorders of the respiratory system.

  • Ecstasy can cause a feeling fresh and full of energy that used to feel sleepy. However, users of these drugs reduce the desire to drink so that it can become dehydrated. Long-term use causes loss of memory and the ability to move the body.


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