Thursday, March 23, 2017

20 Tourism in West Sumatra That Must Visit [Part 2]

Continuing Articles Previous " 20 Tourism in West Sumatra That Must Visit [Part1] "
Tourism to West Sumatra to 11 are :

11.  Japanese hole


Japan pit building a legacy in the form of an underground cave which used the Japanese people for a defense of the Japanese soldiers. Holes Japan was founded in Japan in the 1942-1945 period. By the time the Japanese invaded the Indonesian nation, Japan Holes development is done by Romusa or forced labor.
The Japanese holes used for defense in addition to Japanese soldiers, here is also used for the storage of weapons and ammunition, not only activities such as meetings of the Japanese soldiers were held here. The Japanese people also do cooking in Japan this hole. Here also the Japanese used to imprison and torture of prisoners of war.
Japan discount hole area of about 2 hectares within which you will be guided by the stairs that had been built. Hallway - a hallway that is therein provide a place - a place according to the needs of each - each.
Hall - the hall every building is indeed branched, and each - each hall is used for a place that suits your needs at the time. to maintain its authenticity, in every hallway fitted with CCTV.
 Traveled Into Hole Japan did provide very useful historical experience for you and baby, in addition to the lessons of history learned you can enjoy the beautiful scenery around attractions Hole Japan, now what are you waiting attraction Hole Japan already waiting

12.  Jannjang Koto Gadang 

Seeing the grandeur of the Great Wall did not need all the way to China. City of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra also has, Janjang Koto Gadang name. This is the new tourist attractions in West Sumatra that brings our guests feel at Great Wall of China. 
Janjang Koto Gadang connect Bukittinggi and Agam district. Dilongok from the official website of the Government of West Sumatra, on Thursday (25/07/2013), this new object adds an icon for tourism in West Sumatra.
Great Wall ala West Sumatra has a length of approximately 1 km. Because it connects two places, there are two entrances for the traveler who wants to set foot in this giant wall. 

 Had been to place this new tour some time ago. From New York City, tourists can go through the door that is located not far from the Japanese Tunnel. From there, travelers going through a declining path.
Get ready stunned with the views presented. Your eyes will be faced with valor Sianok Canyon, fields and cliffs gahar. Snap! Snap! Do not waste the opportunity to capture the moment through the camera lens shots. Pose like being on the Great Wall of China.
In addition, there is also a suspension bridge and stairs high. Some point was prepared outposts, to rest while enjoying the view of the river, fields and cliffs. Indeed, stamina strong need to explore this place.
If you want to complete the trip Janjang Koto Gadang is, should a traveler preparing drinking water. Distance as far as 1 km will make you wriggle thirsty throat.
Moreover, taken quite challenging terrain. You must be trekking in the ascending and descending lines. If approximately not strong, should simply cruising half the journey alone. 

13. Valley Harau

 This Harau Valley terlatak Payahkumbuh close to town, and the valley is flanked by two steep rocky hill with a height of approximately 150 meters. Harau valley topography of hilly and bumpy, very pleasant while in the Harau Valley Area because they have clean air and visitors can see the beauty of nature.
 Around the Valley Harau are steep granite cliffs and a height of about 80-300 meters. Some of the natural beauty that you can enjoy while in the Harau Valley include a ravine / gap nature, waterfalls, cliffs and several caves, besides there are also a nature reserve and wildlife sanctuary there are some animals such protected Monkey Long Tailed, Siamang, Sumatran tiger, bears, tapirs, Porcupine, Bird Kuau, and others.
At tourist sites Harau Valley is divided into two locations: Sarasah Bunta contained five waterfalls along ponds waterfalls and other tourist sites, namely Root swinging contained pool for those who want to swim with the family, and there is also the location for camping. There are several reasons that make unique and different from another valley is there are valleys echo that if we yell it will produce a perfect echo. At the Echo valley there is one place that is used as a reference if there are people who are willing to shout in order to produce a perfect echo.
After shouting it will be followed by a perfect echo 7 times. The legend says that a place that can produce perfectly echoes only one in the world, Echo Valley, and also have a Harau Valley natural beauty cetar formations that serve as a new route in a bicycle race Tour de Singkarak. Harau Valley you can enter in any of the list of attractions in your holiday agenda.

14. Anai Valley

 When you pass the path linstas Bukit Tinggi to Padang then you will pass through the Valley termites. Anai Valley is located in the District X Singgalang Nagari Koto exactly on the highway Padang-Bukittinggi. Anai Valley Attraction famous waterfalls. The waterfall is about 35 meters altitude, is part of the Batang Lurah River flows in from Singgalang leading Anai fault line. This waterfall is located in the western part of the Valley Nature Reserve Anai.Airnya very clear flowing down the hills to the slopes and the flow continues past the winding roads with beautiful scenery. On the right and left of the road you can see verdant valleys and hills overgrown with various trees. Along the road toward Anai Valley Waterfall you can also see the monkeys that roam as if happy to welcome the tourists who come from afar. When you take it out of town travel to Padang Anai Valley Waterfall, you will take for a little over an hour's drive inland.
 This tourist area is included in the conservation area of the valley termites. With a location on a side street so consuming vision the people who passed for a short visit or see him.
You can enjoy some of the existing facilities at Anai Valley travel this waterfall. In these places have provided some stalls for you to rest while enjoying food and beverages provided certainly typical cuisine of West Sumatra. In addition you can also enjoy souvenirs or snacks typical of West Sumatra.
For vehicles that carry a waterfall tour anai valley provides ample parking space. So do not worry if you will be visiting and fear not miss the parking lot, it was not possible. Other facilities include a toilet for visitors or tourists who want to bathe and others.
For those of you who do not have time to prepare food ahead of departure should not worry because all the food stalls are typical Padang dishes. For your convenience here are also provided ample parking in addition, there are also bathroom facilities. Many available lodging rented out by locals, the price assortment. Rent for those of you who come from out of town or out of the island. But if you want to stay at five-star hotels you can stay in downtown Padang or Bukittinggi.
See the beauty of nature here, do not be surprised if the local government set the waterfall area as one of the icons of tourism in West Sumatra. He is like a piece of heaven that fell on the earth, the beauty and exotic irrefutable. 

15. Padang Beach

for the citizens of the town padang, beach meadow is often also called by TAPLAU (TAPI LAUIK), Coastal desert is one of the tourist destinations that the city into the desert. But if the evenings here are very crowded the young couple to hang out while enjoying grilled corn or bananas. if on a week night persimpang there are always four points of the car. to see picnya as follows :


16. beach Gandoriah

 If you visit West Sumatra it is incomplete if it does not pay a visit to the beach Gandoriah in Pariaman district were nicknamed the City of Sala Lauak. Gandoriah Beach is approximately 60 km from the city of Padang is a beach with white sand wrapped breeze as well as a cluster of small islands.

To find the location Gondoriah Beach is not too difficult, you can simply ask the people who met around Pariaman Tabuik Market area. Ensured by friendly they will immediately show its location. For visitors coming from the city of Padang train will have no trouble finding the location of this beach because the location of the train station stops Pariaman exactly located at the gate Gandoriah Beach. Quite a few steps then you've arrived at the area attractions Gandoriah Beach.
Famous for its beauty it is no wonder many visitors who come to the beach Gandoriah linger enjoy the beauty of the beach while tasting snacks are sold trader many attractions found around Pariaman pride rang it.
Needless to leaving your seat, just sit back and enjoy the beach, dozens of hawkers sala (typical food of Pariaman) will come by itself. The snacks they offer is also diverse, ranging from sala lauak, fried fish, or a variety of other fried.
In short, a visit to the beach Gandoriah Pariaman make you to addiction. Hence, every holiday or other large commemoration day, the area attractions Pariaman beach is almost always packed pengunjung.Terlebih, since the reopening of the airport passenger train majors Padang-Pariaman has an impact on increasing the number of visits to attractions laden with nuances of peace this.
 Hospitality, laughter and scolds greetings from traders around attraction Gandoriah Pariaman also further complement the atmosphere of the crowd around the attraction Gandoriah Pariaman.
Another attraction of the beach Gandoriah this is that you can freely enjoy the coastline, either by using two-wheeled vehicles, four wheels, or on foot. This is supported by the complete infrastructure around the beach Gandoriah, including the road connecting the beach Gandoriah with a number of attractions in the surrounding beaches, such as Mirror Beach, Kata Beach and others. No less beautiful when the sun sets and the twilight picked the night, as if to conjure up the sights around the beach Gandoriah more attractive

17. Lubang Mbah Soero

 Here it is mine famous hole in Sawahlunto. To enter, visitors must register and purchase tickets in Building Info Box. In 1947, Building Info Box is Meetinghouse Labour and various activities held there. Starting from staff meetings to entertainment wayang kulit and playback screen tancep after payday. Now, the building serves as an information center for the mining pits Mbah Soero. 

Helmets and safety shoes are mounted perfectly, down to the hole adventure Mbah Soero began. A guide will tell visitors about the things that will be found inside and some rules and restrictions that must be obeyed.
Mbah Soero pit mine is the first hole that opened in 1898. The hole is so named because it was formerly were supervised by the foreman Soero. He was respected by the workers and the surrounding community.

 Due to the high historical value, beginning in 2007 the mine pit is open to tourists. In addition, there is also a photo gallery and a movie about the history of the mine. At the end of the visit, the tourists who visit will receive a certificate.

18. Mentawai Islands

 A Mentawai Islands are islands in the Mentawai regency of West Sumatra province. Mentawai Islands include four large islands namely Sipora Island, the island of Siberut Island, North Pagai and South Pagai. Siberut is the largest island, and the only island that has a regular shipping service connecting the island of Sumatra especially Siberut Padang. As an island's largest city and administrative center mentawai also located on this island Tuapejat precisely in town that is located on the North side. 

The islands in the Mentawai is the culmination of a "back" the range of mountains under the sea. Moreover the location of the islands also located off the coast of West Sumatra province and surrounded by the vast Indian Ocean. The existence of the Mentawai islands in the middle of the vast ocean, making the beaches of the famous Mentawai has clean sand and a beautiful view, while the waves were also great especially for surfing
Not less than 400 points are surfing in the Mentawai islands, ranging from medium waves through the most challenging waves in the world looking for surfers. Naturally, presumably if at beaches that have good waves are often held world-class surfing event, which is increasingly introducing Mentawai name abroad. Bosua village is one destination among world-famous surfing waves in the village of Bosua reach 3 meters making it suitable for siapapaun who like to challenge the adrenaline, but be careful with a somewhat rocky beaches. Bosua village can be reached by speedboat from the capital districts, Tuapejat and takes about 4 hours.

Nyang Nyang Island in the village of Katurei also has waves that reach 4 meters high, and called as one of the highest waves in the world. Other places that have high waves are Karamajat island that is still present in the village at this place Katurei waves can reach 2-4 meters. If want a beach that has waves that are safe and quiet for the family then Siruso Island Beach and coastal Bulasat is ideal because it has low waves, white sand and clear sea water. 
 In addition to the beach and surfing attraction, Mentawai also offers attractions trekking into the jungle interior is still beautiful green tropical experience with a variety of its animals that live in it. While local people in the know with the Mentawai people are still traditional and uphold their traditions. Cultural villages in the know still retain the original customs and culture, among others Madobak village, Ugai village, and the village Matotonan.
To get to the Mentawai Islands can be accessed by using a motor boat that serves penyebranagan from Padang to Mentawai. Or if you have more budget then could rent a small plane that Tiger Air or SMAC to Tuapejat in Sipora Island from Minangkabau International Airport.

19. Peak Langkisau

 Regional attractions Langkisau hill peak located on the edge of the koto Painan with a height of about 500 meters above sea level the tourists awe-inspiring beauty. Peak Hill Lagkisau an area belle Pessel which have tourism potential that should be developed, because this area is located at a height so that people who visit will be able to see the beautiful scenery and fascinating about the town Painan and Sago Subdistrict IV Jurai, when the night suasan will be more lively again the light radiating from the fishing vessel and the chart of the beauty of the city Painan.

 When viewed from the top of the hill langkisau travelers will be able to see the natural beauty Painan City, Sago and natural beach and watch the islands are lined on the high seas and light boats owned by fishermen chart to add to the splendor night.
"Pessel proud tourist potential Bukit langkisau certainly more interesting if the area is equipped with a variety of games facilities that can attract the public's attention at the time sengggang fill them," he said.
Facilities and infrastructure need to be completed as the location where the trading of various types of skills and craft of the people, whether it be T-shirts, calligraphy, batik and various works and local production can be sold to the turist the domestic and foreign as cendara eye for visitors who come to the area this.
It is undeniable tourist area Langkisau hill far only used by the community including those coming from abroad for sporting activities gliding due to the natural conditions that support for the addict sport is doing the action flying over the city and over the sea and then landed on the shoreline Salido the District IV sequence

20. Peak Lawangg

 "Lompong Sago Bagulo Lawang." The lyrics are sung singer Minang, Elli Kasim certainly reminds us of an area in the hills surrounding the lake Maninjau, Lawang, District Matur, Agam District. The area is about 20 kilometers from the city of Bukittinggi, besides income of sugar cane, is also an area that has some cool air and beautiful scenery as a tourist attraction.
No half-hearted beauty of nature which is owned by the region at the end of these hills. Of altitude presents a beautiful view of the green hills and the blue color of Lake Maninjau. In addition, the cool air is not less refreshing with natural tourist attractions in other areas in Indonesia.
 Approximately 20 minutes drive from the city of Bukittinggi towards Matur before Lake Maninjau. Sugar cane fields along the road to Puncak Lawang describe livelihood society. Nearly every land in tumbuhi by sugar cane. Even the scent of sugar cane furnace number of people can smell all the way to Puncak Lawang.
Although the access road is not too big, but it has been coated with asphalt, which allows the vehicle to reach Puncak Lawang. In the near future, it seems Lawang road will increase. It looks gravel and road construction initial layer has been installed properly. Lawang tourism potential in the future will be more promising with the completion of Lawang and Morning Dew.
From the peak of Bukit Lawang there are two strategic places to watch the natural scenery of Lake Maninjau complete with rolling hills and settlements along the edge of the lake. Banks of the lake as a whole will spoil the eyes of visitors who visit the place. Not only that, from the top of the hill can be seen sesudut sea that stretches Tiku. Settling start dilakukaknnya by inviting young people in the local area to be aware of youth who travel by establishing an Agro Tourism Forum Nagari Madani and set up a travel business Lawang Adventure Park.
 Since the last six months of a child, Zuhrizul rent land located on the summit of a hill. There was built a wooden hut venue with natural impression to stay visitors. About a hundred people can be accommodated visitors of this place with a view that stretches Maninjau blue and green surrounding hills. "We are trying to sign this land for 40 years to its owner. Hopefully, this could indicate the participation to help build tourism in West Sumatra. Especially sports tourism nature, such as outbound, tandem paragliding, rafting, Supercamp, paintball and many packages that we provide. Currently Lawang also suitable for travel picking strawberries, apples and oranges agricultural community. In the future, will be intensified further support Lawang nature.
Matur Sub-district tourism potential, the natural resource to be able to pick up visitors from various regional, local and foreign. Because there is a custom home Matur cultural heritage and history. In fact there is no letter Soekarno, table jade and gold dress shirt oversized fruit.
Still in the District Matur precisely in Nagari Andaleh, there is the former hill fort Siriah with a number of historical value. Not only that there is also a dead elephant rock, stone sites baselo, Pincuran Old Mosque Tower. "In addition to nature, traditional sugar cane refineries and agro tourism, here are also available for tourist consumption,"

" there are many attractions that other western Sumatra which obliged us to visit, all image / photo is using google search results, which can not be mentioned one by one. hopefully Beauty in West Sumatra in the realm of Minangkabau winsome be maintained continuity, so that would make any young generation will be able to enjoy its beauty. "



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