Monday, March 27, 2017

Premature Ejaculation And Handling

" Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates too quickly during sex. Ejaculation is the discharge semen (sperm) and sperm from the penis is always accompanied by feelings of pleasure (orgasm). "

You do not need to worry if these conditions occur once in a while, but if you routinely and continuously ejaculates too quickly from you and your partner expect then you called has suffered from premature ejaculation.

Many patients who harbored these disorders, hoping to be cured by itself, whereas the treatment of premature ejaculation should be done as soon as possible to prevent such disruptions worse.

  Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual disorders suffered by men, one of three men experience premature ejaculation problems at one time in their lives.

The cause of premature ejaculation is a psychological and physical factors. Patients usually do not talk about it or not to the doctor because they feel embarrassed, however premature ejaculation is a common problem and can be treated.

Treatment, counseling and sex therapy can help patients with premature ejaculation last longer during sex. Some men even combine these three methods to get the best results.

Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation 

The main symptoms of premature ejaculation is completed sooner than expected him and his partner. How long do people have sex normally vary greatly, but if a man ejaculates less than 2 minutes of sex penetrasivaginal he categorized suffer from premature ejaculation.

Many experts linking premature ejaculation with the ability to satisfy a woman because the party most often complained about sexual harassment are women. Women generally take longer to reach orgasm is between 5-10 minutes, while many men who did not survive more than two minutes of vaginal sex. In this condition, the man can be classified suffer from premature ejaculation.

There are also men who can last longer while masturbating but when trying to have sex with a woman he can not last long. Men like these are usually young and have not had much experience in sex

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Causes of premature ejaculation, there are two, namely the cause of physical and psychological causes. Physical causes are things that are associated with certain diseases such as diabetes, prostate problems, and serotonin deficiency. While psychological factors are things that are psychological causes increased heart beat faster and pump more blood into the penis blood vessels. Examples of psychological factors are anxiety, fear of failure, too passionate and lack of sexual experience.

Premature ejaculation and treatment varies depending on factors, for example dealing with premature ejaculation due to masturbation. Too often masturbation will cause chemical changes in the body and disrupt the nervous system that are working. And therefore need a different treatment.

Tests and Diagnosis

First of all the treating doctor will ask about sexual activity and sexual histories of patients in the past. If required, your doctor will probably refer the patient to a urologist doctor for diagnosis and treatment in more detail. Several tests are commonly performed blood tests and examination of the hormone testosterone.


Premature ejaculation is actually a sexual problem easily addressed during the cause is not due to physical disorders. Methods to cure premature ejaculation consists of sexual therapy, herbal premature ejaculation medication and psychotherapy. For a quick and maximum, three patients are advised to undergo a form of treatment. The sooner the treatment of premature ejaculation will also be more easily cured.

In some cases, premature ejaculation may be caused by poor communication between couples or a lack of understanding of how sex is true. Women usually need more stimulation than men to reach orgasm. Read How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation

Less foreplay and direct penetration during intercourse causes difficult woman to orgasm. This could be a source of discord and create pressure when will relate. For many men, feeling pressure during sexual intercourse increases the risk of premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation can be treated using medication nor by way of exercising control ejaculation. In general, how quickly the recovery depends on the level suffered from premature ejaculation, the duration of the disorder occurs and how the body's reaction to drugs consumed.

And for those of you who want to cure premature ejaculation naturally could use Keygel and breathing exercises.


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