Monday, March 27, 2017

Signs of women reach orgasm

Many men are confused and intrigued by the performance of the sex partner. Some men who have settle down over the years do not even know if she had an orgasm or not. Unlike men, the signs of a woman having an orgasm is rather difficult to know.

 Orgasm is the peak of sexual activity marked as feelings of pleasure as a result of contraction of muscles around the genitals. Orgasm in men different from women. In men, orgasm usually can be seen clearly because of the orgasms are always followed by ejaculation of sperm from the penis. Signs of orgasm in women is more difficult to detect except by taking into account some of the physical symptoms seen when connected.

Signs of a woman having an orgasm is two, psychic and physical. Psychologically, the female orgasm is the pleasurable feeling that spreads throughout the body, a sense of comfort, light head and body float. Signs of this psychic can only be felt and known by the female.

In addition to psychological mark, when the female orgasm will also show some physical symptoms that can be known by the couple. The physical signs of women having an orgasm from the contraction seen in some of the muscles in the body such as genitals, buttocks, arms, face, and legs. This contraction appears generally will cause a sigh or even shout. 
Physical changes such as contractions and spasms in the vaginal area can be felt directly by the male partner. As the orgasm, penis as firmly gripped and sucked into the uterus. Other signs that appear when a woman orgasms is chest and facial redness, slowing the breath and heart beat faster.

Signs of women reach orgasm is as follows:

- Muscle contraction causes the body menggelinjang

- Reddish face and chest

- Heart rate faster

- Sigh strong and shouts

- Couple hugging tightly

- The body becomes limp after orgasm

If your wife shows signs as above during sex, then most likely he is to have an orgasm.

Some women claim to have difficulty achieving orgasm, the cause could be due to lack of foreplay or because a woman suffering from frigid. If you want to make a woman orgasm fast, the way is to learn some sex positions that facilitate female orgasm or also with a special herbal medicine wife orgasm difficult and the most important is to keep in touch with the couple.


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